Convoys and Insurance
Initially some Irish ships sailed in convoy, at the insistence of insurance companies. Lloyds of London would insure the ships, cargoes and the lives and health of the crew, provided that they sailed in convoy. Nonetheless, some ships never sailed in convoy. The perceived inability of the Royal Navy to protect them after convoy OG-71 (click for more) and experiences of insurance claims after convoy OG-74, changed attitudes. Thereafter Irish ships sailed alone.Convoy OG-74
The City of Waterford was in convoy OG74. On 19 September 1941, the Dutch tug Thames collided with City of Waterford and she sank. The crew were rescued by HMS Deptford and then transferred to the Walmer Castle. Two days later the convoy was attacked, Walmer Castle was bombed and sunk. Five survivors of the City of Waterford died. While insurance was paid for the loss of the ship, life insurance was not paid as, when they died, they were not crew of the City of Waterford, but passengers of Walmer Castle. They were, the judge said: “technically unemployed”.2 comments on “City of Waterford, convoy OG74” derek ryan says: August 15, 2010 at 9:34 pm (Edit) My granmother was the sister of sam naylor. Reply Gillian Donnelly Maguire says: May 15, 2011 at 11:04 am (Edit) My Grand Uncle was Sam Naylor, of Naylors Cove Bray, and I have history about the events. I organised Sams service medals for Rosie( Sams sister, my Granny) before she died. Reply