Eternal Father strong to save, Whose arm hath bound the restless wave Who bid’st the mighty ocean deep, It’s own appointed limits keep, O hear us when we cry to thee, For those in peril on the sea.The early months of the year 1947 were to prove to be very severe for many of the population of Ireland. A food shortage existed in the country, in common with many other parts of the globe, which had not yet returned to normality following the Second World War. Rationing of food and other vital resources such as fuel and clothing was in force and to make matters worse, the Winter of 1947 happened to be one of the worst in living memory. The Country had been in the grip of freezing conditions for the entire month of February with snowstorms, and accompanying snowdrifts, which blanketed the countryside and made all movement extremely difficult. Power failures were frequent and added to the general misery. It was against this background that the M.V.BOLIVAR was making her way across the Irish Sea on the morning of Tuesday, March 4th, bound for Dublin Port with a badly needed cargo of grain and other essential items. Like many another fine ship before her, although Dublin Bay was in sight, the BOLIVAR would never reach that port and would leave her bones in the sands of that treacherous graveyard of ships that spans the entrance to Dublin Bay waiting to ensnare the unwary, the Kish Bank. The BOLIVAR was an almost new, steel-hulled vessel of 5230 tons, owned by the Norwegian shipping company of Fred Olsen and Company, a firm that still exists today. She was a twin-screw vessel powered by diesel engines and at the time of the wreck she was completing the final leg of her maiden voyage. Her dimensions were, 137 meters by 17.5 meters beam with a draught of 7.5 meters laden. The ship was named after Simon Bolivar, the South American revolutionary leader who was known as The Liberator, 1783 - 1830. Born in Venezuela he fought against the Spaniards in Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador and Peru, part of which became Bolivia, named in his honour. The ship had been laid down in the yard of Akers Mekaniske Verksted of Oslo in 1939 and was launched in 1940, ready for fitting out. Following the German invasion of Norway in April of 1940 the ship lay alongside the quay wall at Akers yard for the duration of the war. It was commonly believed that the uncompleted vessel had been sunk at the bottom of a fjord to prevent her from falling into German hands but this does not seem to be the case. She was, however, holed by an explosion that partially flooded the hull during this period and this may have given rise to the story. When the war ended, the fitting out of the BOLIVAR was completed and she set out on her first voyage in the trade for which she had been designed and built, a round trip from Europe to South America and back carrying general cargo with provision for conversion to grain - carrying in her three holds by the addition of portable feeders and shifting boards. There were facilities on board for twelve passengers and on her maiden voyage she was carrying her full complement in addition to thirty-nine crew-members.