

Sunk by torpedo from U-564 in North Atlantic, 22nd August 1941, convoy OG 71 The CLONARA had rescued thirteen men from the ALVA HMS CAMPION rescued thirteen survivors from the CLONARA (five from the ALVA and eight from the CLONARA) The six uninjured crew from CLONARA, were brought home by the CITY OF DUBLIN

Carr, William, Dublin Green, Edward, Dublin
Kavanagh, Edward, Dublin Lambe, A., Dublin
McGuigan, Peter, Lusk, Co.Dublin McKane, Samuel, Dublin
Reynolds, Joseph, Drogheda Robertson, Archie, Limerick
Smith, William J., Dublin Spanner, John T., Wexford
Spence, Robert S., Dublin

and two wounded

Convoys and Insurance

Initially some Irish ships sailed in convoy, at the insistence of insurance companies. Lloyds of London would insure the ships, cargoes and the lives and health of the crew, provided that they sailed in convoy. Nonetheless, some ships never sailed in convoy.  The perceived inability of the Royal Navy to protect them after convoy OG-71 and experiences of insurance claims after convoy OG-74 (click for more), changed attitudes and thereafter Irish ships sailed alone.

Convoy OG-71 - Nightmare Convoy

This convoy became known as “nightmare convoy”. When the convoy was located, a ‘wolf pack’ of U-boats assembled. Every night the wolf pack attacked, and another ship was lost. Every day, they were bombed by the Luftwaffe. With eight merchant ships, two naval escorts and over 400 lives lost, with no German losses, the convoy retreated to neutral Lisbon. English girls, some just eighteen years old, had been trained as cypher and wireless operators. They were to be located in Gibraltar, where German radio messages would be intercepted. These WRENs were on the luxury liner Aguila. All were lost on 19 August 1941 when Aguila was torpedoed.

Sailing alone

Two Irish ships were in the convoy, Lanahrone and Clonlara. When Clonlara sank, 11 of her crew and 14 survivors from Alva (British) which she had rescued earlier, were lost. There were two Irish crews in Lisbon who watched this sad arrival; they were the City of Dublin and the Irish Poplar. On the instruction of Lloyds Insurance, the Limerick Steamship Company instructed that the Lanahrone be painted camouflage grey and have automatic blackouts fitted to doors. The crew responded by going on strike. In return for extra life-rafts they agreed to return in convoy HG-73.  Ten ships were lost from HG-73. In the light of the losses in OG-71 and HG-73, Irish ships ceased sailing in convoy.   Thereafter she, and other Irish ships, sailed alone, brightly painted with tricolours and EIRE painted large, under full lights.